There aren't many things more frustrating than an air conditioning that refuses to run. A hot, muggy home can make your space incredibly uncomfortable, which is why I have always focused on maintaining my air conditioning system. Unfortunately, I still run into problems from time to time and I am sure that all of you do, which is one of the reasons I decided to build this website. Check out these posts for more information about keeping your system working beautifully, even if you aren't naturally good at fixing things. You never know, making the right changes could dramatically improve your summertime experience.
15 November 2017
Whether you are living in a towable tiny home or one built on a standard foundation, you need heat. It's a basic necessity, regardless of how few square feet you live in. Winters can be cold, even in the southern United States. While too small for a central heating system and the accompanying duct work, most tiny home owners plan for some type of heating source. With less than 500 square feet to heat up, it doesn't take much to get the job done.
5 October 2017
Plumbing emergencies can cause a disastrous amount of damage to your home unless you know how to handle them properly. There are a lot of things you can do before an emergency occurs that will minimize the impact a plumbing emergency has on your home. The following are four mistakes you can avoid to save your home from the extensive damages a plumbing emergency can cause: Neglecting to fix a leaky faucet when you notice it
10 February 2017
The quality of your home's indoor air can have a tremendous impact on your overall health. This is especially true if you or a loved one suffers from severe allergies or asthma. If you're grappling with your home's poor indoor air quality, then there's a good chance you've thought about upgrading your current air filter to a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter. However, there are a few things you should know before you invest in a HEPA filter.