Keeping Your HVAC System In Great Condition
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Keeping Your HVAC System In Great Condition

There aren't many things more frustrating than an air conditioning that refuses to run. A hot, muggy home can make your space incredibly uncomfortable, which is why I have always focused on maintaining my air conditioning system. Unfortunately, I still run into problems from time to time and I am sure that all of you do, which is one of the reasons I decided to build this website. Check out these posts for more information about keeping your system working beautifully, even if you aren't naturally good at fixing things. You never know, making the right changes could dramatically improve your summertime experience.


Keeping Your HVAC System In Great Condition

Tiny House Living | 6 Ways To Heat Your Tiny Home

Herbert Franklin

Whether you are living in a towable tiny home or one built on a standard foundation, you need heat. It's a basic necessity, regardless of how few square feet you live in. Winters can be cold, even in the southern United States. While too small for a central heating system and the accompanying duct work, most tiny home owners plan for some type of heating source. With less than 500 square feet to heat up, it doesn't take much to get the job done. While the most often seen solutions are wall-mounted units or petite wood burning stoves, your choice depends more on the fuel source that is most easily (and affordably) available to you in your location. 

1. Propane: When you hear the word propane, you might automatically think of your BBQ grill, but folks in rural areas have used propane to heat their homes. With access to natural gas unavailable, they simply rely on propane deliveries as their energy source. In fact, 2% of the energy used in the United States comes from propane.  

2. Heating Oil: Another fuel source that you can have delivered is home heating oil. This clean-burning and affordable fuel source should be stored indoors in colder climates. It can also be blended with other fuel types, like kerosene, to create a hybrid that is better adapted to colder temperatures. Reach out to a professional who offers heating oil by visiting sites like BUCKSFUEL.COM

3. Wood: For some tiny homeowners, nothing beats the romance of a roaring fire. While it tops the list for ambiance, wood can be costly. Not only is there valuable time and energy involved in chopping wood down to size, splitting the logs evenly, and seasoning it for up to a year, there is also the effort involved keeping the fire stoked overnight. You can also choose to purchase seasoned firewood and have it delivered. Prices will vary, but the traditional unit of measurement is a cord, which is when split wood is stacked four feet high by four feet wide by eight feet long. 

4. Wood Pellets: For a more portable and convenient solution, you can buy wood pellets at any home improvement super store or rural feed store. Wood pellets, created from compressed sawdust and other lumber mill waste, are not meant for use in an open fireplace, however. They are meant for use in a closed wood burning stove system. In fact, such units can also be equipped with a self-feeding hopper that keep the unit constantly filled with pellets, which is convenient for many tiny home owners. 

5. Electricity: If you have access to electricity, either directly from the local power company or by using an electrical hook-up at a campground or tiny home community, then you can install a wall-mounted electric furnace. While small, most units are equipped with a blower and can comfortably heat up to 500 square feet. If you plan to live off-grid as much as possible, this system may not be the best choice for you. 

6. Solar: One last option for heating your tiny home is solar energy. Solar panels, usually mounted to your home's roof, collect energy from the sun each day that you can be stored and use to heat your home. This is often unreliable in northern climates as the sun may not be seen for days on end. In fact, unless you plan on spending winters in Yuma, Arizona and enjoying days that have a 90% chance of being sunny, solar heating should be planned on as a back-up. 

The choice of how to heat your tiny home depends on your budget, location, and style of your tiny home. Solutions are available that work for everyone. 
