Keeping Your HVAC System In Great Condition
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Keeping Your HVAC System In Great Condition

There aren't many things more frustrating than an air conditioning that refuses to run. A hot, muggy home can make your space incredibly uncomfortable, which is why I have always focused on maintaining my air conditioning system. Unfortunately, I still run into problems from time to time and I am sure that all of you do, which is one of the reasons I decided to build this website. Check out these posts for more information about keeping your system working beautifully, even if you aren't naturally good at fixing things. You never know, making the right changes could dramatically improve your summertime experience.


Keeping Your HVAC System In Great Condition

  • 2 Possible Reasons Why Your Home's Gas Furnace Keeps Making Banging Noises

    17 July 2020

    When your home's gas furnace is running, you may be used to certain sounds, such as the popping of the air ducts due to temperature changes or maybe even the occasional soft bang as the furnace settles. However, if you start hearing loud banging noises almost every time the unit kicks on, these are not normal and require the services of a repair technician. If this is happening to your furnace, there are a couple of possible reasons for the banging.

  • Should You Have An AC System Installed In Your Home? These Considerations Should Help You Decide

    25 June 2020

    It can be tough to decide whether to have an air conditioning system installed in your home. Here are a few considerations to make that should help make the decision easier: How Hot Does It Really Get? Before deciding whether to invest in a new air conditioning system for your home, it's a good idea to complete a test and figure out how hot it really gets inside you home throughout the day at the high point of the summer months.

  • Answers To The Top Air Quality, HVAC Filter Replacement, And HVAC UV Light Questions

    20 May 2020

    Can HVAC filter replacement or an HVAC UV light protect your family against viral or bacterial particles? If you want to sanitize the indoor air, take a look at the top questions homeowners have and their answers. Can an HVAC System Filter Out Microorganisms? You want to purify the indoor air, remove the germs, and make your home a healthier place. But is a new filter the way to achieve your interior air sanitization goals?

  • Updating Your Kitchen? 3 Things You Need A Plumber For

    22 April 2020

    Kitchen renovations can take your food preparation area from drab to dazzling, brightening up your space and adding real value to your home. While you may have your general contractor's number on speed dial, there is a lot you may need to chat about with a professional plumber. Here are a few things you should ask a plumber to help with and why.  1. Installing That Refrigerator Water Line If you are upgrading to a refrigerator with a built-in water and icemaker, you might be wondering what will supply that water line.

  • Air Conditioning Repairs That Might Be Needed For Problems With The Refrigerant Line Or Coils

    13 March 2020

    Your central air conditioner has two sets of coils. The evaporator coils are in the air handler and the condenser coils are in the outside unit. The coils are connected by a copper refrigerant line, and these parts make up the refrigerant system of your air conditioner. If any of these parts develop a hole or are otherwise damaged, your air conditioner loses refrigerant and stops cooling your home. Here's how an air conditioning repair service may handle problems with your AC's refrigerant circulation system.