There aren't many things more frustrating than an air conditioning that refuses to run. A hot, muggy home can make your space incredibly uncomfortable, which is why I have always focused on maintaining my air conditioning system. Unfortunately, I still run into problems from time to time and I am sure that all of you do, which is one of the reasons I decided to build this website. Check out these posts for more information about keeping your system working beautifully, even if you aren't naturally good at fixing things. You never know, making the right changes could dramatically improve your summertime experience.
Herbert Franklin
Many people find air conditioner noises annoying. However, annoyance is not the only reason to mind AC noises – the noises can also mean something is wrong with the system. Below are some categories of AC noises and their possible causes.
1. Operation Noises
Some AC noises are inevitable because they stem from the system's operations. You will hear such noises even if the system is operating normally. Here are a few examples of such noises:
These noses depend on your AC's size. For example, a high-capacity AC will likely have a bigger fan and move more air than a low-capacity unit, leading to louder noises from the former. The AC's make and model also determine its noise levels; some manufacturers produce quieter systems than others.
2. Malfunction or Damage Noises
Operating noises can be a nuisance, but they are usually relatively low and can be ignored. However, you should only ignore such noises once you diagnose them and confirm they don't stem from AC malfunctions or defects. Below are some AC malfunctions or damages that might make noise.
Loose Parts
The AC comprises several parts connected with bolts, screws, welding, and other connections. These connections may loosen over time due to system vibrations. The loose parts vibrate or rattle whenever the AC runs, generating considerable noise.
Air and refrigerant leaks usually trigger hissing noises. Leaks are noisy because the fluids have to squeeze through tiny openings.
Electrical Malfunctions
Electrical malfunctions increase electrical noises. For example, damaged electrical relays might switch on and off frequently, clicking with each switch. Electrical short circuits can cause buzzing electrical arcs.
3. Noises From Foreign Objects
Lastly, AC noises can also come from foreign objects in the systems. For example, animals sometimes find their way into the ductwork, fluttering, scratching, or gnawing at things. Hard objects, like pebbles, tools, or twigs trapped in the fan or belt assembly, also make noise. Note that such trapped or foreign objects can damage the AC and cause damage noises.
Contact a professional contractor for help if your AC has become noisier than usual. They will diagnose the noise and fix the underlying problem. Do not delay intervention because the problem causing the noise might worsen and become even more costly.
To learn more about AC repair, contact a professional near you.